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24 März 2021, 08:15
British artist Sacha Jafri spent eight months creating the work in isolation in a hotel ballroom.
24 März 2021, 08:15
TV host considers how Draper, who has been badly affected by Covid-19, will be cared for at home.
24 März 2021, 08:15
BTS had the best-selling album of 2020, helping music industry revenues grow for the sixth year.
24 März 2021, 08:15
The contract was sold by a woman who worked in the music industry, ahead of her retirement.
24 März 2021, 08:15
BBC Breakfast has a few questions for the new quiz show host.
24 März 2021, 08:15
The 14 men, including actor Ricky Tomlinson, were among 24 charged following pickets in Shrewsbury.
24 März 2021, 08:15
US cinemas will reopen in April followed by the UK in May, with theatres getting exclusivity over streaming.
24 März 2021, 08:15
Pro dancer Abbie Quinnen had seven weeks of "continuous hospital treatment" after copying a video.
24 März 2021, 08:15
The son of singer Bobby Brown was found dead in his home last November.
23 März 2021, 08:15
The US record label says the deal with China's tech giant will help make its artists "impossible to ignore".